You are currently viewing a revision titled "SURVIVAL TIPS… THE BREAST CANCER DIET…", saved on April 11, 2019 at 11:40 am by Kay
SURVIVAL TIPS  & THE BREAST CANCER (BC) DIET:  Below are notes & recommendations fm world renowned Medical Nutrition Experts: James F Balch, MD & Phyllis Balch CNC; their book is long-considered to be the “Bible” of Nutritional Healing: “Prescription for Nutritional Medicine” available at most all Health Foods Stores & Vitamin Shoppes (GNC etc.); it’s revised & expanded every year or so (for the past 20+ years).  The book details specific vitamin supplement regimes for many common diseases/ailments.  The BC supplement regime is too extensive for me to include herein/right now, so try to find the book, if only to make a copy of the BC regime! (Many health food stores keep out a working copy for customers to reference/copy!  GNC sells the book as well; it’s, extremely cheap at $19.95)! I know that following this book (and other alternative treatments) saved my life; I followed all the rec’s (plus it’s supplemental vitamin regimes) religiously (except on holidays, lol!) Remember, most Doctors are experts on Medicine/Medical Care; they know somethings about Health, but very little about Nutrition (the foundation of good health & healing) Cancer Promoters: Excess body weight (esp belly fat), sugar, saturated fats (animal fats), high Glycemic Loads (fast acting carbs), and possibly iron (talk to your doctor about this; it’s case dependent) DIET: (Specifically for Breast Cancer Patients Healing & Prevention) -Eat a diet based on fresh fruits, veggies, grains, legumes, raw nuts (except peanuts), seeds (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, chia), and soured products (yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh, etc). -No animal products (meat or dairy, except yogurt & kefir; unsweetened & low fat; Lifeway makes a good one that most grocery stores & Walmart carry) -Eat cruciferous vegetables at 2 meals daily minimum; ideally lightly steamed/cooked (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussle sprouts, garden cress, bok choy, etc); -Eat yellow & orange veggies at 2 meals daily, minimum (carrots, pumpkin, squash, sweet potatoes, yams,). -Eat veggies raw or lightly steamed (first soaked/washed in water & lemon juice or vinegar, or a veggie cleaning solution to remove/neutralize pesticides) -Grains (whole grains only, ideally organic): unpolished brown rice, millet, oats, barley, & wheat (whole; ideally buckwheat & bulgar) -Specific Grains: Oats (better yet, oat bran and/or barley) to combat cholesterol (if you eat animal products) or you have digestive, constipation problems. -Barley (as unprocessed as possible: i.e. groats or pearled) cleans fat/cholesterol from the bloodstream & arteries; has @16 times the fiber of rice and 1/6 the sugar (glycemic load) -Wheat (better yet wheat bran) cleans fat from the colon; better yet, the bran reduces blood levels of estrogen (a cancer cause/promoter) -Rice: Eat Brown or wild rice only; white rice is extremely high in sugar, fast acting carbs= glycemic load (which cancer feeds on) Include specifically, daily: -Fresh apples, cherries, grapes, plumbs, all berries -Onions (yellow & red) & garlic at every meal if possible (take garlic supplements if necessary: Kyolic/aged is best, and is deodorized) -Drink Spring or Distilled water only -Drink homemade veggie & fruit juices (Fruit juice in mornings, veggie juice in afternoons) -Take extra fiber daily; psyllium husks are the preferred supplement (always take supplemental fiber separately from other vitamins or supplements or it will absorb them) -Better yet, eat barley (groats or pearled) at most meals, and as snacks) in place of cereals, rice/noodle dishes, deserts/rice pudding ( it’s delicious, filling, packed with fiber, nutrients, and is super-low carb/glycemic load; cooks quickly). -Limit soy consumption (it contains enzyme inhibitors that destroy cancer cells); fermented soy is best (tempeh, etc) -Do not consume alcohol, caffeine, alcohol, junk foods, processed or refined foods, white flour, (or instant noodles, pasta, etc) unless it is made of whole wheat, buckwheat, bulgur) -Do not take iron supplements: be sure your daily vitamin does not contain iron (use brands made for women over 50; GNC makes a good one [cheap/half price at Sams Club]!) -Limit (do not eliminate) your intake of high iron foods (unless your doctor advises otherwise) CONSIDERATIONS: (derived fm research studies) -Watch out for itching, red, sore nipples; see doctor immediately (could be Pagets Disease) -People with breast cancer usually have lower then normal levels of Vit E, Selenium, and Vit A -Physical Fitness/Activity protects against Breast Cancer (BC) -As few as 3 alcoholic drinks per week increases BC 50% -Fat intake should be no more then 20% of total calories; Saturate Fat 5% or less. -From biopsy, determine whether BC is estrogen dependent; if so, adjust diet accordingly & consider drug alternatives to chemo (Tamoxifen) Hope this helps!   LOVE to All!

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April 11, 2019 at 3:40 pm Kay
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