You are currently viewing a revision titled "SURVIVAL TIPS… THE BREAST CANCER DIET…", saved on March 25, 2019 at 1:10 pm by Kay
SURVIVAL TIPS  & THE BREAST CANCER (BC) DIET:  Below are notes & recommendations fm world renowned Medical Nutrition Experts: James F Balch, MD & Phyllis Balch CNC; their book is long-considered to be the “Bible” of Nutritional Healing: “Prescription for Nutritional Medicine” available at most all Health Foods Stores & Vitamin Shoppes (GNC etc.); it’s revised & expanded every year or so (for the past 30+ years).  The book details specific vitamin supplement regimes for many common diseases/ailments.  The BC supplement regime is too extensive for me to include herein/right now, so try to find the book, if only to make a copy of the BC regime! (Many health food stores keep out a working copy for customers to reference/copy!  GNC sells the book as well; it’s, extremely cheap at $19.95)! I know that following this book (and other alternative treatments) saved my life; I followed all the rec’s (plus it’s supplemental vitamin regimes) religiously (except on holidays, lol!) Remember, most Doctors are experts on Medicine/Medical Care; they know somethings about Health, but very little about Nutrition (the foundation of good health & healing) Cancer Promoters: Excess body weight (esp belly fat), sugar, saturated fats (animal fats), high Glycemic Loads (fast acting carbs), and possibly iron (talk to your doctor about this; it’s case dependent) DIET: (Specifically for Breast Cancer Patients/Healing/Prevention) Eat a diet based on fresh fruits, veggies, grains, legumes, raw nuts (except peanuts), seeds (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, chia), and soured products (yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh, etc). No animal products (meat or dairy, except yogurt & kefir; unsweetened & low fat) Eat cruciferous vegetables at 2 meals daily, minimum (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussle sprouts, garden cress, bok choy); Eat yellow & orange veggies at 2 meals daily, minimum (carrots, pumpkin, squash, sweet potatoes, yams,). Eat veggies raw or lightly steamed (first soaked/washed in water & lemon juice or vinegar, or a veggie cleaning solution to remove/neutralize pesticides) Grains (whole grains only, ideally organic): unpolished brown rice, millet, oats, barley, & wheat (whole; ideally buckwheat & bulgar) More specifically: Oats (better yet, oat bran and/or barley) to combat cholesterol (if you eat animal products), or you have digestive, constipation problems. Barley (as unprocessed as possible: i.e. groats or pearled) cleans fat/cholesterol from the bloodstream & arteries; has @16 times the fiber of rice and 1/6 the sugar (glycemic load) Wheat (better yet wheat bran) cleans fat from the colon; better yet, the bran reduces blood levels of estrogen (a cancer cause/promoter) Rice: Eat Brown or wild rice only; white rice is extremely high in sugar, fast acting carbs= glycemic load (which cancer feeds on) Include specifically, daily: Fresh apples, cherries, grapes, plumbs, all berries Onions (yellow & red) & garlic at every meal if possible (take garlic supplements if necessary: Kyolic/aged is best, and is deodorized) Drink Spring or Distilled water only Drink homemade veggie & fruit juices (Fruit juice in mornings, veggie juice in afternoons) Take extra fiber daily; psyllium husks are the preferred supplement (always take supplemental fiber separately from other vitamins or supplements or it will absorb them) Better yet, eat barley (groats or pearled) at most meals, and as snacks) in place of cereals, rice/noodle dishes, deserts/rice pudding ( it’s delicious, filling, packed with fiber, nutrients, and is super-low carb/glycemic load; cooks quickly). Limit soy consumption (it contains enzyme inhibitors that destroy cancer cells); fermented soy is best (tempeh, etc) Do not consume alcohol, caffeine, alcohol, junk foods, processed or refined foods, white flour, (or instant noodles, pasta, etc) unless it is made of whole wheat, buckwheat, bulgur) Do not take any iron supplements: be sure your daily vitamin does not contain iron (use brands made for women over 50; GNC makes a good one; very cheap/half price at Sams Club!) Limit (do not eliminate) your intake of high iron foods (unless your doctor advises otherwise) CONSIDERATIONS: (derived fm research studies) Watch out for itching, red, sore nipples; see doctor immediately (could be Pagets Disease) People with breast cancer usually have lower then normal levels of Vit E, Selenium, and Vit A Physical Fitness/Activity protects against Breast Cancer (BC) As few as 3 alcoholic drinks per week increases BC 50% Fat intake should be no more then 20% of total calories; Saturate Fat 5% or less. From biopsy, determine whether BC is estrogen dependent; if so, adjust diet accordingly & consider drug alternatives to chemo (Tamoxifen) I know this is a lot, but it works! And you are always in my prayers!! LOVE to All!

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April 11, 2019 at 3:40 pm Kay
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March 25, 2019 at 5:07 pm Kay