A cancermatch.com member individual Initiative

  • Posted by Unknown Member on March 31, 2019 at 5:34 pm

    A cancermatch.com member individual Initiative in support of Cancer Moonshot in response to the lack of a cohesive, comprehensive and timely approach to cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, research, and care. This cancermatch.com group created by Ralphwf (a cancermatch.com member).
    25 May 2016 while still in office Vice President Joe Biden asked my late wife and I and hundreds of Americans around the country if they’d be willing to host conversations in their communities about how we can expedite the pace of cancer progress.
    At that time my cancer patient late wife and I attempted to organize the conversations in our local community working with our healthcare provider for Southern California as Vice President Biden had asked. Subsequently my wife died of Pancreatic cancer and we could not hold those conversations. Now it is 2019 and we have website tools like cancermatch.com so I am asking you to help start a conversation on this website expecting to get input and comments from other cancermatch.com current and former member cancer patients to get your ideas to look at cancer from your patient perspective and drawing on your varied life experiences and expertise.
    in response to Vice President Joe and Dr. Jill Biden’s earlier call to find solutions that will double the rate of progress against cancer. He has found innovative programs and partnerships that focus on data sharing, patient support, education, and empowerment, research, clinical trials, access to care, disparities, and prevention and early detection. They were announced during the Biden Cancer Summit on September 21, 2018.
    The statements identified in the link below with an asterisk (*) represent efforts that are follow-ups to commitments made as part of the White House Cancer Moonshot in 2016.

    The Biden Cancer Initiative announced 57 new commitments from the public and private sectors as identified in the following link:
    I am sure there are many initiatives you the cancermatch.com friends can suggest. All we need is to hear from you via this website by replying to this group. An example that comes to mind is encouraging the cancer healthcare givers to expedite diagnosis and treatment. My experience twice for my wife and twice for myself was slow diagnosis and treatment start. I am trying to work those two issues with my small consulting business. I am sure that you cancermatch.com members have many more issues that need to be addressed. We can all learn from each other! Please join the conversation on this cancermatch.com group titled “A cancermatch.com member individual Initiative in support of Cancer Moonshot”.
    As a start of the conversation let the group know what was your cancer type and how and when you were first diagnoses with your cancer and how long after diagnosis did your treatment start. For example, my first cancer Lymphoma was diagnosed after extensive lab tests over several months trying to determine why I had a low grade fever. A CT scam discovered the cancer which resulted in immediate chemo treatment.

    Unknown Member replied 5 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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